Little Grubs Kindergarten is an outdoor pre-school setting for children aged 2 - 5 years old and opened in September 2019 in Bromfield, near Ludlow, in the Welsh Marches.

Through creative and exciting approaches to play and learning, we inspire children with a love of learning and a lasting curiosity and connection with the environment and world in which they live. Playing in and learning from nature enables first-hand experiences of the changing seasons, varying weather and the wildlife we share our natural spaces with, embracing and nurturing every child’s sense of awe and wonder!

Based on a diverse working farm the children are surrounded by opportunities to see and learn about everyday rural life developing an early understanding and interest in crops, farm animals, farm machinery and where their food comes from. Visiting the farm animals and walled garden expand and enliven experiences.

The children attending Little Grubs will explore and immerse themselves in a number of natural spaces in addition to our dedicated woodland site. These include a hornbeam glade teaming with bluebells in spring, the rhododendron garden where low level climbing on the bouncy branches in encouraged, the magical yew tree avenue and giant sequoia trees, river side and pond walks and the inspiring fallen stag oak tree.

Our beautiful playroom is used in the afternoon to play with open-ended loose parts play, creative materials such as sand, playdough and paints. We offer cooking and gardening in addition to self-chosen activities and access our own playground for water play and so much more!

Our meals are prepared by our own cook, using locally sourced ingredients, many of which are grown on the farm.

To get in touch call: 07514 688920 or email

Little Grubs Kindergarten has been judged as a good provider by Ofsted. You can read our report here.

The project, part funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, has established a new nature inspired kindergarten. Its aims include building links between young children, the countryside, environment and food. The nurturing educational environment has places for up to twenty pre-school children per day, operating from a dedicated woodland and the refurbished ‘Old School Canteen’ on the Plymouth Settled Estates in Bromfield.